If you are preparing for divorce mediation, on some levels you have already won when it comes to your divorce. You both have won, especially if you have children, because while you and your spouse may not agree on many things and may be facing one of the most challenging times in your lives, you both have made the proactive choice to avoid the unnecessary devastation of a court battle in litigation. And, if you are reading this, it means that you are approaching divorce mediation thoughtfully and seriously.
In this blog posting, Michael Aurit offers a few tips about how to prepare for divorce mediation
Find the best divorce mediator
Organize your financial information
Think about your interests, not your positions
Have “protecting the health and well-being of your children” as your #1 goal
Take care of yourself
If you or someone you know could benefit from assistance in decision making during a divorce, contact Falmouth Mediation at 508-566-4159 for a free, no-obligation, private, confidential consultation. We will be happy to discuss the key details of your situation, address any concerns, and help you decide if divorce mediation would be beneficial.