The wide array of emotions that a child of divorce may convey during the divorce experience is important to their health and mental wellness. It gives them a chance to say what they want to say about the ordeal and helps them understand the trauma. This level of understanding gives them the chance to move on from it one day and grow because of it.
However, depending on their age, maturity, personality, or a variety of other factors, they may not convey the sentiments or emotions that they are feeling. They may not feel confident in their own voice, or they may have guilt, blaming themselves for the divorce in the first place.
Whatever the reasoning may be, there may be a lot left unsaid that a child of divorce wishes to communicate to their parents. In this excellent blog posting Daniel Pearce offers 5 questions children of divorce wish they could ask:
“Who am I without my parents being married?”
“What will happen to our family pet?”
“Do other families go through this?”
“Will Mom/Dad have room for me at their new home?”
“How do I fit in Mom/Dad’s new life?”