The Probate and Family court has released the 2021 revision of the Child Support Guidelines, effective October 4, 2021.
Some key new changes:
The Guidelines leave to the Judge's discretion (and parties' agreement) whether alimony or child support would be calculated first and suggests making alternate calculations.
Maximum combined income is increased to $400,000.00; Child support on income over this amount shall be at the Court's discretion.
Maximum percentage set for child support on combined income over $400,000.00;
Maximum amount for weekly child care to be deducted is set.
Also, the Probate and Family court will no longer require parents of children under age 18 to take a court-mandated parenting class. The court was transparent in its decision that after almost 30 years of this requirement:
There is no real evidence that the Parent Education class is effective in producing the desired goals;
Most states do not have this requirement;
Massachusetts had been treating divorced and unmarried parents differently in its requirements;
The Parent Education providers have not been adhering to the Guideline requirements and administration of the program is burdensome for the courts.