In this excellent blog posting, Elizabeth Esrey writes about "five insane but true facts about high conflict divorce."
High Conflict Divorce is expensive - The costs of divorce varies depending the process you use. Mediation is the least expensive option, at a typical cost of $6,600. Collaborative law costs average $19,723 while full-scale divorce litigation average, $77,746.
High Conflict Divorce is more susceptible to violence - It's sad but true. Family courts pit couples against each other - especially in high conflict divorce cases. There have even been documented casualties.
High Conflict Divorce is best handled like Hostage Negotiations - Lt. Jack Cambria, a chief hostage negotiator for NYPD's elite hostage negotiation team, cited many similarities between High Conflict Divorce and Hostage Negotiation.
High Conflict Divorce is better served through Mediation - Mediators help couples navigate the divorce process and reach agreements that are less expensive, more lasting and customized.
High Conflict Divorce is a choice - By choosing mediation over litigation, you model dignity and privacy in your divorce. Even in "high conflict" divorces you can be heard, respected and resolute in avoiding the cost and dehumanization of high conflict divorce litigation.