Once you get past the difficult decision of deciding to divorce, you're faced with another daunting question: how should you go about getting your divorce?
Do you go through the courts like most people, allowing the judge to make orders or the lawyers to bully you into a settlement you don’t know if you want? Do you go through a private mediator? Or is a collaborative divorce the way to go?
In this video, Katherine Miller — a family law attorney who’s chosen to focus her practice solely on mediation and collaborative divorce — breaks down the difference between these confusing options to help you find what's right for you.
If you or someone you know could benefit from assistance in decision making during a divorce, contact Falmouth Mediation at 508-566-4159 for a free, no-obligation, private, confidential consultation. We will be happy to discuss the key details of your situation, address any concerns, and help you decide if divorce mediation would be beneficial.